In ancient Rome at the time of the consuls Pompey and Crassus. In eastern Greece, the young Thracian Spartacus is taken as a slave to Rome. Rasch calls its owner Crassus the powerful youth to on, as a gladiator to stand his whole man in the lions Arena. Life as a Roman slave under his new master, Consul Crassus is extremely hard and unfair, even if his love for the daughter of Crassus also allows beautiful moments. As the hedonistic Crassus in an orgy preposterous demands - namely, a duel to the death with Amoricus, the fiance's sister Spartacus' - breaks in the absolute will Spartacus out for resistance and revolt against slavery. Using other gladiators and slave Spartacus dares the big strong kick, wrestle the Romans settled in a surprise coup and fled from Rome.
Finally in freedom, the proud Thracians begins to build up its own army, with which he wants to compete against the vastly superior Roman forces. When he learns Senate the startling news of a the reversals in the Rome against slave army, decisions are taken quickly to defend themselves, to choke this rebellion in the bud. Meanwhile, Spartacus has in a country woman, a young Thrakierin in love. The first military clash between Spartcus rebels and the Roman armies found in Puglia, near the ancient city Petilia instead. Spartacus is fighting the troops of its former owner Crassus as the winner, but in the next battle in Lucania the Spartacus loyalists are completely wiped out. Spartacus himself is a victim of a devious intrigue and dies a martyr fearsome.
Spartacus review
Par une belle nuit d'hiver review
Fiction de Jean Beaudin sur la découverte de l’amour avec Jean-René Ouellette, Marcel Sabourin, René Caron, Denis Drouin, Mariette Duval et Luce Guilbeault. Alors que deux jeunes nageront en pleine euphorie amoureuse, des couples plus âgés se disputeront.
Les années noires review
Ce film disperse de nombreux mythes et préjugés, articulant une vision jusqu’ici inédite de l’expérience acadienne. À travers le regard dynamique d’historiens, le réalisateur propose une perspective élargie des événements de la Déportation qui soutiennent la trame documentaire du film.
Comic Books Go to War review
The universe of comic books is a worldwide pop mythology, a Pantheon in cheap newsprint and saturated colors. For almost 100 years comic books have provided fantasy, escape, and compensation for adolescents who often feel powerless and misunderstood in their daily lives. Fantasies of power are inevitably violent, but the violence in comic books has no consequences. After all, it's just the stroke of a pen... But what happens when the comic book meets real war? In this age of hundreds of television stations, 24-hour news, worldwide instantaneous satellite transmission and thousands of web sites updated hourly, the lowly comic book has become a documentary medium, providing a real understanding of the human dimensions of war, genocide and revolution. It's a new journalistic form. Comic Books Go To War explores the journalistic, aesthetic and political implications of reporting the most violent and terrible of human experiences through "comix."